Classified Adz User Agreement
By posting your classified ad on Classified Adz, you agree that ad is in compliance with our guidelines. Classified Adz reserves the right to edit, reject, re-classify, or cancel any ad at any time and without prior notice. Classified Adz shall not be liable for any loss or expense that results from an error in or omission of an advertisement. No refunds will be issued for early cancellation of an ad.
By posting an ad here, you agree to the following statement:
I agree that I am solely responsible for the content of all classified ads that I post and that I will indemnify Classified Adz and hold them harmless for any losses or damages to myself or to others that may result directly or indirectly from any ads that I post here.
By posting an ad here, you further agree to the following guidelines:
- No foul or inappropriate language will be tolerated. Ads in violation of this rule are subject to being removed without warning.
- No racist, hateful, or otherwise offensive comments will be tolerated.
- No ad promoting activities that would be illegal under the laws of Botswana.
- Ads for handguns or rifles are not allowed.
- Any ad that appears to be merely a test posting, a joke, or otherwise insincere or non-serious is subject to removal.
- Please avoid using all capital letters in the title or content. Many consider the use of all caps as “shouting” on the internet. If your intent is to make the ad more visible, you can elect to “Feature” your ad for a small fee.
Free Classified Ads
While most of the classified ad categories on Classified Adz are limited per membership package, some categories are completely free and unlimited. These “unlimited” ad categories include:
- Local Jobs
Violations of Guidelines
Attempts at multiple posting or re-posting to improve an ad’s position is unfair to other users. Repeated attempts at multiple posting or re-posting could result in suspension. A “Featured Ad” option is available to keep your ad at or near the top of its category for a small fee. This may be accomplished by selecting the “Featured Ad” option when placing your ad.
Any attempts at circumventing the guidelines of Classified Adz may result in the cancellation of ads without prior notice and the suspension of offending accounts. Classified Adz reserves the ultimate discretion as to which ads, if any, are in violation of our guidelines.
Other Classified Adz Notes
Classified ads are manually approved by our editors. While we make our best effort to update multiple times per day, ads may take up to 24 hours to be visible on the site. That time may be extended on weekends and holidays.
If placing an ad that requires a payment, you can make that payment by debit/credit card through DPO (DPO is Africa’s leading payment service provider (PSP).) or you may use mobile money to pay to our number or contact us for other ways to pay.
No refunds will be issued for paid ads or paid options. In the event of technical failure on our end, paid ads or ads with paid options may be offered an extended time of listing or a future credit may be issued as our option.