Find what you are looking for or create your own ad for free. Classified Adz is a space where people can come together to help each other in many small ways. We aim to build a community where everyone can quickly and easily find everything they need in their local city: accommodation, electronics, a job or services to get their daily lives running.
1. Register your free account
Register your free Classified Adz account. Your username cannot be changed, it must not be your email address. If you already have an account, skip to Step 3.
2. Verify E-mail Address
After successfully registering on our website, check your email and click on the link, we send a verification mail to verify your email address.
3. Post your free ad
Click the ‘Post Your Ad’ button on the top right corner of the screen.
4. Select type of Ad
Choose the Ad Type your Ad falls under. Click the arrow in the Ad Type box to get a drop-down list of all types available. Please pick the Ad Type that best fits your ad, if you are selling a car, you would select the “Sell” Ad Type and not “Job” or any other Ad Type that does not fit your Ad.
5. Select Ad Category & Sub Category
Next, choose the category you would like your ad to appear under. Click the arrow in the category box to get a drop-down list of all categories available. Please pick the category that best fits your ad, and please select the appropriate sub-category (for example, if you are selling a phone pouch, you would select the “Mobile Accessories” category and not the overall “Mobile Phone” category). If you would like a certain category to be added to the list, feel free to contact us.
6. Fill out your Ad Information
- From here, you’ll fill out your ad information – the title of your ad, your contact information, a price (if any) and a description of your item.
- For best results, choose an ad title that reflects items for sale or wanted, such as “Used Couch for sale” or “Newborn baby clothes wanted”, rather than generic titles.
- Your username and phone number will be displayed publicly, but your email address will not. Viewers will be able to contact you through the Classified Adz Chat system.
- When entering a price, the classifieds system will only accept prices listed in number format without the Pula sign (P). If you’re looking to get P25.50 for your item, simply type 25.50 in the price field. Adding the Pula sign, or writing out “twenty five” will not work! If you don’t want to enter a price, simply leave this box entirely blank.
- Now you’ll add up to 15 photos to your listing. Simply click on “Browse” to find a photo on your computer. Click on the desired photo and then click “Open.” It should be immediately uploaded.
- Once you are done, click on “Submit.” If you do not wish to use your location, click “Don’t show the Map.”
- Congratulations – your ad has been submitted! All ads are moderated to make sure they are in compliance with our guidelines, and will be posted after they have been approved. If your ad requires payment, you will be prompted to proceed with that task. You will then be re-directed to your ‘My Listings’ page where you can see your ad views, mark as sold, preview, edit, delete and promote your ads.
Choosing a Membership Package
Choose a membership program that best serves you or your business needs. The free package includes only 3 free regular ads per month, and free unlimited Job ads. You can see your ad views, mark as sold, preview, edit, delete and promote your ads. To understand more about Top, Featured and Bump Up ads, read our Frequently Asked Questions here.
Paid membership gives you access to a free store that allows you to add your company website link (free), cover photo, profile picture, company details, operating times and list all your ads in one place. Your customers can rate your store to help you get new customers. The Live Chat feature allows you to engage with your potential customers in real-time and make a sale fast and easy. The free promotional ads that come with paid membership (Top, Featured and Bump Up ads, which make your ads more visible by displaying on the homepage and top of search results) can be used at your own discretion and are valid for 30 days.
Your business’s way to success is all about getting the word out there, about the product, the brand, the service and a whole lot of other things as well alongside. In doing so you need to pick the right way to do so, now that involves a lot.
From segmenting your customers into who they are and what they want to making sure you serve them right – so needless to say there are a number of tools, methods, routes and the like you can take along the way, maybe try and test a strategy and change it along the way as you realize what might work better or is best according to your organizations goals and plans.
So all agreed marketing today isn’t just a glossy pamphlet or a cool advert on TV – we’ve moved on and to the best of our knowledge your business should represent that change and incorporate it. Keep up with what’s out there and find the best to bring it all in!